CSR at CTL Logistics
You can't be successful in business without forgetting the local community. This is one of the principles that we follow in CTL Logistics.
Corporate social responsibility is rooted in many philosophies, religious currents and traditions from the beginning of our era. One of the fathers of this concept of running a business - Andrew Carnegie in a book published in 1899 entitled The Gospel of Wealth formulated one of the earliest doctrines of corporate social responsibility. The American entrepreneur of the steel industry referred to two main principles: charity and trusteeship. The principle of charity is based on the assumption that the needy social units must be supported by the wealthier ones. This help was to involve donations directly to the hands of those in need or through appropriate institutions such as churches and social care homes. It should be remembered that at that time there was no such thing as social security. The principle of business name honesty, on the other hand, assumed that wealthy people, owners and company managers should treat their assets as the resources entrusted to them. They should act for the benefit of society as a whole. The property owned by them should be invested in such a way that it is possible to multiply it, which would benefit all employees and society as a whole.
These principles, defined by one of the fathers of American railways, are particularly close to our company.
Socially responsible
We support educational institutions and cooperate with non-governmental organizations. We care for those who require special attention and greater commitment on our part. We operate with the residents of Sosnowiec in mind, which is also the company's headquarters.
For many years, we have been supporting the Special School Complex No. 4 in Sosnowiec, whose children and youth are disabled. In 2019, thanks to our company, the school could buy a horse for hippotherapy classes. In 2020, however, we provided the school with funds necessary to purchase special EyeTracking devices that help neuro-rehabilitation of pupils. What is important, this help is the initiative of our employees.
The Special School Complex No. 4 is a school institution dealing with the care of children and youth with intellectual disabilities. This ensures care and development of the child from the first days of life, becoming a companion not only of the pupil, but also of his whole family. In addition to regular school classes, children take part in stimulating classes, including in artistic workshops or hippotherapy. They take care of their horses themselves, also learning responsibility, duty, care.
CTL Logistics also supports adults, former pupils of the SSC from Sosnowiec, operating as part of Sosnowiec Social Cooperative no 3. The cooperative is a production and production plant for artistic, occasional and utility crafts. The institution is a place for the development of creative talents, teaches independence, it is also a space where friendship is born. During the artistic workshops, the pupils create wonderful handicrafts, which also allows them to practically raise funds to develop their passions.
This is not the only support form provided by CTL Logistics to the local community from Sosnowiec. In 2019, CTL transferred funds to the Clinical Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care at the St. Barbara's Provincial Specialist Hospital No 5 in Sosnowiec. The equipment serves patients. The mining hospital in Sosnowiec is the largest hospital complex in the southern part of Poland, located within walking distance from the Katowice-Pyrzowice airport. There is the only Polytrauma Center in the entire Silesian Province operating within the facility.
We care about the environment
CTL Logistics takes a responsible approach to environmental protection. As the owner of post-mining areas excluded from mining activities, we are committed to restoring areas to their full social and economic functionality. We are convinced that thanks to our joint efforts, we can ensure a better future for our surroundings and climate.
The CTL Logistics Group offers comprehensive services in the field of reclamation of areas transformed by industrial activity and restoring them to new utility functions. To this end, we work with many entities, including local government authorities responsible for e.g. spatial development and the academic community.
We also engage in education by taking part in mining symposia organized by the "Safe Wall" Student Scientific Circle from the Faculty of Mining and Geology of the Silesian University of Technology. We also support workshops for children organized by the Department of Exploitation of Silesian University of Technology.
In 2019, the CTL Logistics Group also concluded an agreement with the Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis in Katowice, which aims to build new bicycle routes in the post-mining areas of Katowice and Mysłowice. The space will gain new ecological functionality, and the residents will have an attractive location for active recreation and tourism.
CSR news
GOOD HEART has GREAT power !
Easter is coming soon, a time of hope and kindness. We have never waited for good news before, bringing peace, strength and hope for a better future. We know that our friends from the Sosnowiec Social Cooperative Entity also trust that in these difficult moments we will remember them!
GOOD HEART has GREAT power !
Już wkrótce Wielkanoc, czas nadziei, życzliwości. Nigdy wcześniej nie czekaliśmy tak na dobre wiadomości, niosące spokój, siłę i nadzieję na lepszą przyszłość. Wiemy, że nasi przyjaciele z Sosnowiec Spółdzielni Socjalnej także pokładają ufność, że w tych trudnych momentach będziemy o nich pamiętać!
The inhabitants of the Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis will gain 20 km of bicycle routes thanks to the CTL Logistics Group
The first step has passed! Finale – a construction of modern 20 km long bicycle paths on the grounds of the former sand line of the CTL Group. On 23rd December this year, a letter of intent was signed in which the representatives of the Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis expressed their intention to purchase land running through the former Poniatowski – Wujek and JCC Poniatowski railway line to create metropolitan bicycle routes.