The CTL Logistics Group is an international logistics operator performing domestic and international transport using its own rolling stock and infrastructure. We have been on the market for over 25 years. During this period, we have proved to be a reliable business partner, which leads to position no 5 among the freight carriers in Poland.
The company's main clients are coal mining companies, aggregates, fuel companies, chemical plants, household appliances manufacturers, FMCG logistics, energy companies, container operators and many others. The rail transport is carried out comprehensively together with handling of transshipment processes, service of railway sidings and mass terminals, including seaports.
In cooperation with CTL Logistics GmbH, we carry out cross-border transport, both in import and export of goods across the western border of Poland. We are distinguished by the ability to coordinate and service transport throughout the entire route, also on the side of Western and Southern Europe.
Grzegorz Bogacki
Przemysław Palonka
Marek Tymkiewicz
Andrzej Pawłowski
Out team
Wiesław Paszkowski
Director / Liquid fuels and chemicals segment
+48 608 285 122 wieslaw.paszkowski@ctl.plDaniel Kuszke-Komasara
Sales Manager / Liquid fuels and chemicals segment
+48 608 285 192 daniel.kuszke-komasara@ctl.plJakub Bagnowski
Director of Operational Support and Calculation
+48 662 284 210 jakub.bagnowski@ctl.plMonika Bogacka-Czerneńko
Procurement Director of the CTL Logistics Group
+48 608 285 008 monika.bogacka-czernenko@ctl.plMonika Mikon
Director of Marketing and Communications, Information Liaison Officer
+48 608 285 004 monika.mikon@ctl.plKatarzyna Stelmach
Director of Corporate Governance and Organization
+48 666 348 837 katarzyna.stelmach@ctl.plCompanies - Railway business
Companies - Recultivation
Certificates and licenses
CTL Logistics has a license to provide rail transport services within the European Union and the European Economic Area - valid for an indefinite period. The license allows you to transport all goods, including dangerous goods, and provide traction services. The license does not entitle the entrepreneur to access the railway infrastructure. A requirement for using the railway infrastructure is the conclusion of a Contract for use with the infrastructure manager after presenting a copy of the license and safety certificates.
Basic certificates and licenses for CTL Logistics:
- safety certificate part A
- safety certificate part B
- certificate of the entity in charge of maintenance
Industry organizations
The Union of Independent Rail Carriers [Związek Niezależnych Przewoźników Kolejowych] (ZNPK) is an organization of private, licensed rail carriers. The goal of ZNPK is to represent the economic and social interests of associated employers, including by protecting free competition on the freight market. ZNPK is a member of the European Association of Freight Carriers (ERFA) based in Brussels, thanks to which it has an impact on the form of European rail regulations.
A non-governmental organization representing the railway sector in Poland. It is a platform for cooperation between companies, administration, passengers and rail users. In its work, it uses the experience of analysts and practitioners as well as the potential of the Scientific Council and the Foundation Council composed of managers of large, often international railway companies.
Active on many levels - from a wide debate on the future of transport, through monitoring changes in railway law, to work on detailed technical solutions. Involved in works in the areas of investment, rail efficiency and competitiveness, safety and quality of the law governing transport activities.
As one of several major industry organizations, it conducts intensive correspondence with administrative bodies, national and international institutions, and market regulators. It actively participates in issuing opinions on legal acts and development programs and plans, as well as meetings of parliamentary committees and industry working teams.
At the same time, it is an active participant in the public debate on the future of railways and the entire transport sector, as well as one of the most-quoted railway opinion-making centers.
The Chamber of Commerce for Land Transport [Izba Gospodarcza Transportu Lądowego] is an economic self-government organization operating since 1995. The Chamber acts as a representative of companies related to rail transport regarding state administration as well as domestic and foreign organizations affecting the operations of these enterprises. We associate dozens of entities from around the country related to the railway industry.
The purpose of the Chamber is to protect the interests of companies and to apply to state and local administration bodies with applications and opinions in the field of rail transport regulations. IGTL facilitates its members access to knowledge about current economic processes, in particular regarding transport and rail infrastructure. Cooperation with the Chamber gives members the opportunity to directly influence to develop operating conditions and rail transport, and also integrates the rail industry. There are three industry sections at IGTL: Railway Carriers, Wagons and Freight Forwarding, Railway Construction.
IGTL is an organization that focuses on real problem solving of the railway sector. We are active in all areas related to railway investments and conducting transport activities. Our role as a representative of entrepreneurs operating in the railway industry and an important partner in the substantive debate are noticed by the most important institutions, such as MI, UTK, TDT, and CUPT.
Railway Business Forum is an association of employers working for the integration of the railway environment. This is the most influential Polish railway organization, representing the interests of railway companies and companies in relations with trade unions, employees, authorities and state and European administration. Over the years, RBF has created a wide lobby that influences market development, promoting new investments and making decisions that are friendly to the rail transport industry.
RBF prepares analyzes and reports on the situation of the Polish railways and since 2010 it also regularly publishes "White Papers" devoted to selected segments of railway operations.
It also takes the floor on matters relevant to members of the organization, effectively seeking better law for the railway industry in Poland. RBF cares about the image of railways in the media, organizes debates, discussion panels and conferences.
Railway Energy Efficiency Center [Centrum Efektywności Energetycznej Kolei] (CEEK) is a space for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, as well as education in the field of energy efficiency and rational resource management dedicated to railways. 95% of all domestic carriers, infrastructure manager of PKP PLK and experts, among others, are involved in CEEK's activities from the Railway Institute, Warsaw University of Technology, the Jagiellonian Institute and the Jagiellonian Club.
The Center is a platform for dialogue of representatives of the railway industry, experts and scientists on activities in the field of minimizing the consumption of electricity on the railway. CEEK is also to support the exchange of good practices between railway companies and discussion on the best legislative solutions in the field of energy efficiency.